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Webpack is a JavaScript transpiler, helping to build large applications with complex front-end components. Its main purpose is to create packages that take into account dependencies between modules and classes, significantly improving performance.


Webpack supports ES2015, CommonJS, MJS and AMD module formats. There is also support for WebAssembly, a new way to run low-level code in the browser. The loading mechanism also works for CSS, with support for @import and url() via css-loader. You can find plug-ins for specific tasks, such as minification, internationalization, or HMRj, and by using the Browserity tool, it is possible to use module import syntax standardized within ECMAScript.


How WEBPAC works

The smallest project that can be linked to a web package consists of input and output data. The linking process begins with user-defined entries. The entries themselves are modules and can point to other modules through imports.

When you merge a project using webpack, it retrieves dependencies from individual files, constructing a dependency graph for them, and then generates output based on the configuration. Thanks to this, it is possible to take a modular approach to application development, while creating a single, compact output file. In addition, it is possible to define split points to create separate packages in the project code itself.

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