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RxJS is becoming increasingly popular and well-liked among developers. It is used in many applications that differ from each other, while some frameworks have included it as part of their implementations. The library is constantly evolving which results in a growing community. If you haven't heard about this library before, I will try to introduce it in this article.


What is RxJS?

RxJS is a library of reactive extensions for JavaScript. It provides us with two basic functions, which make building reactive applications much easier, and they are: Observable (producer) and Observer (consumer). RxJS is used for handling forms, routing, HTTP requests, but also does a great job with asynchronous implementation, callbacks and event-based programs. RxJS library developers have rewritten Reactive-Extensions/RxJS which gives us assured better performance, better modularity, better debugging call stacks, while maintaining backward compatibility, with some breakthrough changes that reduce the API footprint. RxJs is gaining popularity, but learning this library can take some time. The library's developers themselves say that learning RxJS and reactive programming can be difficult. There is a lot of multiplicity of concepts, a large API footprint, and a fundamental shift in thinking from imperative to declarative style.


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The difference between Observable and Promise

The biggest difference separating observable and promise is that promises don't change their value after they are satisfied. They can only reject or resolve one value. Observables, on the other hand, are capable of handling multiple results. The subscriber will continue to receive results until the subscription is completed or canceled.

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