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An API is an application programming interface that allows software applications to communicate with each other. So, it enables one application's functionality to be used by another, often without having to connect to a web browser. This programming interface contains a set of instructions and guidelines at the level of code, data type or communication protocols, which are responsible for fast and efficient communication of modern technologies.


APIs as modern business support

In the second decade of the 21st century. API is almost everywhere. It is thanks to it that you can get quick access to the information you need, creating entire systems of interconnected software. The application is a remarkable support for modern business. It is thanks to this technology that it is possible to improve the quality of customer service, reduce the costs associated with IT services, and facilitate many areas through the use of remarkable innovations. These software interfaces support, among other things: booking flights, checking the weather forecast, using social media or the popular Pokemon Go application. What's more, APIs are being used increasingly and eagerly by companies offering digital services. They work with a huge amount of shared data on a daily basis, so in order to make these processes smoother and more efficient they use these interfaces for, among other things: reporting, downloading and uploading product information, for tracking conversions (piggybacking), handling coupons and billing. These applications not only provide access to huge amounts of data, but also avoid storing this data on the company's own servers. In addition, the APIs provide flexible access to real-time data without the compulsion to build the complex technical infrastructure and databases needed to store huge amounts of data.

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