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Cake PHP is a free open source PHP language framework. It was created in 2005 on the initiative of Michal Tatarynowicz and was modeled on Ruby on Rail at a time when it was gaining recognition from developers around the world. Its primary purpose is to speed up the work of building mobile applications using modern tools, so you don't have to write many lines of code from scratch. It offers easy access to the database and helps create flexible and fast websites, both the simplest and very complex ones.

Laptop z kodem, Cake PHP

Cake PHP - modern and fast PHP-based websites.

Cake PHP pays a lot of attention to improving the productivity of project work, thanks to good organization of the framework. It uses the popular MCV (Model-View-Controller) architecture model. This means that you can distinguish three basic structures in it: the model, concerning all the logic of the project, the view, which is a graphical representation of the content in the form of views, and the controller, which keeps track of the changes made in the model and view layers and makes them as a response to the action performed by the user. This division easily organizes work and allows developers to make changes to each layer without interfering with others. The framework works with a modular and flexible toolset, making the finished application lightweight and pleasant to use.

Cake PHP is compatible with PHP version 4 and 5, has a built-in validation system and supports data caching, which makes the application display much faster. It supports friendly URLs and custom addresses. Additionally, it launches from any application directory with minimal or no configuration with Apache. It has built-in components for cookie and email creation, for session management and task handling, and those responsible for user data security and protection. Also, it provides support for localization and internationalization. Like Ruby on Rail, Cake PHP uses the scaffolding method, allowing applications to be built using databases. Their structure and dependencies are defined by the developer, and then code is generated with which data is created, updated and deleted from the database.

This framework is widely used by PHP developers because of its speed, simplicity and flexibility. It also has a large online community to help solve problems and excellent technical documentation.

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