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Vue.js is a progressive, open-source JavaScript framework that is used to create dynamic user interfaces and Single Page Applications. It was created by Evan You in 2014, and is growing in popularity. Currently, Vue has the most stars on GitHub (193k) compared to React (182k) and Angular (79k), which shows how popular this framework is among developers, despite the fact that it is, among the technologies mentioned above, the youngest.


Vue.js - the power is in simplicity

The primary advantage of Vue.js is its simplicity with simultaneous functionality. According to its creator, it was supposed to combine the best features of React and Angular. Vue uses virtual DOM, which makes it very fast. It stands out for its low file weight and noticeable flexibility when creating complex projects. It has a simple, clear code and great documentation, with an ever-growing community and offers a lot of opportunities to implement interesting solutions in the project. Vue also has many libraries and tools. Worth mentioning here is Nuxt, a framework built on top of Vue, which, thanks to SSR, significantly improves all SEO metrics compared to applications written in "pure" Vue. We can also find libraries with UI elements (BootstrapVue) and libraries for managing application state (Vuex).


Are you looking for a contractor working with Vue.js ?

Is Vue worth choosing?

Without a doubt, Vue.js has many advantages over other JS frameworks, but it also has flaws. Vue's biggest advantage by far is the framework's very flattened learning curve, which makes Vue ideal for those starting to learn front end technologies. It also has its flaws, undoubtedly one of them is the relatively smaller community around the technology compared to the rest of the stakes, while the community is very dedicated to the technology, as can be seen by the relatively high number of stars on GitHub.

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