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Sanity Headless CMS is a platform for developers and content editors to structure the content of a website or web application. It provides a customized API and technologies like Java Script, REST and GraphQL. Although its philosophy is to build web applications using structured content, it does not include rigid rules for creating, presenting and validating it, providing a very high degree of flexibility in working on the project. This CMS allows you to add information structure using APIs and real-time data stores hosted in the cloud with sufficiently high data limits, making it free to run.

CMS, Sanity

Sanity - fast and reliable Headless CMS

Sanity is an open source software with which you can quickly set up your work environment. It allows you to easily define content models and validate fields using JavaScript. Since its components are built with React, it is with the help of this library that the CMS' functionality can be customized and extended according to individual needs. It provides fast and efficient editing of even complex fields, thanks to user interfaces. Also, it supports responsiveness on devices with different resolutions.

In addition to Sanity Studio, used to define content, the CMS includes other basic functionalities such as Structure Builder, Block Content and the Dashboard plugin. Although it requires knowledge of Java Script, with the help and guidance of experienced developers, it allows multiple team members to collaborate on the entire information architecture, among others: content editors and graphic designers.


Sanity Headless CMS provides APIs that enable advanced writing, reading or error correction work on the project:

- - a cache-less API made available live;
- - a cached distributed interface using a CDN to reduce data transfer delays.


Applications built on the basis of this headless CMS are characterized by a high degree of security and scalability. Also, it is compatible with Gatsby, Jamstack or Netlify. Thanks to its speed and flexibility, Sanity is gaining popularity and has a large online community communicating on GitHub.

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